I’m not a graphic designer

That’s why you’re looking at the stock pink Squarespace template. If you want someone to design a website, I can’t help you. If you want someone to create campaigns that make people pay attention, I’m your gal.



Writing & Editing

B2B & B2C

Creative Direction & Management

Dialogue and Audio Editing

SEO Best Practices

Analytics & Data

Video, Interviews, and Storyboard Editing

Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint

B2C Examples


Video Content with a Writer’s Touch

Making a compelling video is more about editing than writing, of course. But the compositional side is the same: creating compelling stories, word by word, shot by shot. Here’s an example of one of my more successful works, an ad from commercial real estate firm Tishman Speyer, composed from multiple interviews in the heart of the pandemic.


Tishman Speyer


My writing career isn’t just commercial—it’s informed by a love of the arts and genuine critique. My articles at Bandcamp Daily are further examples of my ability to generate excitement and interest where there was none before, and show a more colorful, considered side of my writing.


The Velvet Room

A curation of several albums based on a popular video game series. Probably the most punchy CTAs I’ve written, in that they’re incredibly punchy and also, well, there’s a lot of ‘em

The Garages

An in-depth exploration of a cultural phenomenon. Probably the most journalistic article I’ve done, showing an aptitude for longform writing and interest retention


How do you sell something weird, niche, and virtually unknown? With this, an exciting (and excitable) pitch for, of all things, a vocaloid death metal album